Friday, January 16, 2015

Male Infertility- Role of Sun

Role of planet Sun in Male Fertility - Let us take the topic of infertility as per Vedic astrology further and first discuss, Male Infertility. 

                 As we all know, the planet Sun is life giving both in science as well in astrology. Sun is one of the main planets which play important role in Male fertility. It is the sun, which gives life force to the male sperms. The seed (Sperm)  becomes living with the grace of the planet Sun.
                                                                                 Those natives who have highly afflicted Sun or Sun with very low shadbala or power may show mostly lifeless sperms. Also, sometimes Sun get badly affected it if falls on Rahu-Ketu axis. If Sun conjuncts with Rahu, which is also called Surya Grehan (Sun Eclipse), then very bad effects are seen. Rahu is the only planet which can affect the Sun's power if placed nearby.
                                                                                     There are also some doshas which are formed with Sun's placement like Pitra Dosha (Ancestor curse), which can affect male fertility. Also, sometimes very high Sun's shadbala or power can burn the sperms (if very closely placed with Venus).
                                 For the afflicted or badly positioned Sun, one can perform simple remedies, which will show positive effects if done with full devotion and regularity. These remedies are :-
  1. Get up early in the Morning and offer water to sun in Brahma Muhurat (i.e. in between 5:00 a.m. to 5:15 a.m. or just before proper sun rise).
  2. Do surya namaskar at sun rise.
  3. Respect your father and take blessings from him in the morning.
  4. Recite Gayatri mantra Or OM AADITYA NAMAHA at sun rise.  
  5. If Sun has excess power or Sun is too close to Venus, then daily bath with cold water.            
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